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An Aunt’s Letter to Her Babes

To my Babes…

Simply put, I just love ya so much.

You babies have become this whole part of my heart that I didn’t know could love so strongly. 

From the time I held you, you had me wrapped around your tiny, tiny fingers.

Being your aunt brings me so much joy.

It is truthfully one of the things I love most in this life. I carry the title proudly and take great pride in the job. Aunt Bobby, Aunt Ty…doesn’t matter what you call me, as long as you’re calling.

In case you ever forget how much you mean to me, how incredibly special and awesome you are, or just need some smiles, laughter, and love- here are some reminders for you…

2012. 2018. 2020

I will always go above and beyond when it comes to loving you, protecting you, and spoiling the heck out of you.

I am always praying for you and who God created you to be. You were created by Him for a purpose- some days I feel like that purpose is for me to squeeze ya and love ya.

I hope I can always look at each of you and see the best parts of your Mom and Dad and who they raised you to be- the sweetest boys and precious girl.

I pray you never stop getting excited to see me and Uncle Wy(d)att. Bringing him into your worlds was a big decision that I didn’t take lightly. I hope you know he loves you as much as I do! He takes his title very seriously too.

I hope you will always get excited to spend time with your grandparents- you have some pretty awesome ones! Best Mimi and Pap, hands down.

I hope you always get so excited over a new tee shirt that you have to instantly put it on.

I pray the three of you will always remain incredibly close like your Mom and I are.

I hope you continue to love church and find Jesus in your own time and way. Your sweet, innocent souls are already so full of faith and love. I promise to help you in your faith journey in any way I can.

I pray you never have to experience any type of pain, sadness, or heartache. While these are inevitable and I can’t protect you from them- know that I will be here to take you for some ice cream, turn up your favorite songs and have a dance party, or just go for some retail therapy- whatever you need, I got you.

You inspire me to be better. You inspire me to do more with my life because I know you are watching. 

I remember when I got my first speeding ticket and your Mom said to me- I just can’t believe you would put his aunt’s life at risk by driving fast. BOOM. Thank your Mom for making me not only a better aunt that day, but a better driver too. 😉

Your parents will always, always have your back- even when someday it may seem like they are against you- they will always have your best interest at heart. When it seems as though they just don’t get it, I will be your sounding board.

No matter what, where, when, how, or why I will be there. If you are scared, in trouble, hurt, in need of a friend, want to host a last-minute magic show, or just need some Auntie time- I will be there. You can always count on me. 

No hugs are better than yours (sorry hunny!) There is nothing quite like getting a hug that you just ran to give me, or purposely made sure you gave me before I left, not just simply out of habit but out of love. I pray you never stop wanting to give me those sweet little hugs!

Each of you has such an incredible light, joy, and spirit inside of you- don’t let anyone take that from you.

Never stop giggling at the small things in life- like a silly pair of glasses, a goofy voice, a funny toy, or a dramatic reaction to something so simple.

And never forget to appreciate the simplest things in life too- like the dinner plate being set in front of you, the sound of a train, the new clothes you got for Christmas, and the ability to knock someone over with your love by hugging them so hard.

When you are cold after your football game, I will always give you my blanket.

When your lunch doesn’t taste good, know you can always eat mine.

When you look up in the stands, I will be there with the thumbs-up and the phone up snapping all the pics for your Mama.

When you need a DJ for your dance parties and car karaokes, I’ve got you covered.

Thank you for being lights in my life even on the days I don’t get to see you. And thank you for being so excited to see me on the days I do get to see you. 

Thank you for always being here for me, arms wide open.

Thank you for loving me fully and wholeheartedly for exactly who I am.

Each one of you has taught me so much in your short little lives, and now that you are here I can’t imagine what life was like before you.

I wish you could stay young and little forever, but then there is this other piece of my heart that is so beyond excited to see how God uses you in this world to brighten other’s lives the way you have brightened mine.

I will always be here arms wide open (big enough for all 3 of you at once if needed) whenever you need me.

I love you three to the moon and back.

All the love,

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