First Trimester: Sickness, Sleepiness, and the Sweetest Blessing

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So if you came over from my previous blog post- Pre-Pregnancy: Feeling God-Ready and Healthy -then you now know everything leading up to us being ready to start growing our family and the journey to that- yay!

Much like the last blog post though, I feel like I need to say some things up front…

I know this can be a sensitive subject for many, so I just want to give a reminder that I’m simply sharing my own experience with my pregnancy. Every woman, every pregnancy, and every baby are different. I am sharing my experience in hopes of giving other women support and encouragement!

I’m not a medical professional in the slightest. I did my own research, followed so many educational accounts on Instagram, was surrounded by a different view of health at my workplace, had an incredible mentor for a boss, and used a little bit more of my own intuition when it came to my health instead of just going with the mainstream flow.

This blog post is full of a whole lotta Jesus. Anyone that has read any of my blog posts knows that to be true, but again, because this is such a sensitive subject I feel like it’s important to know that all the glory goes to God for this miracle of life that grew in my belly and is in my arms today. For me, I see it no other way. All the science in the world, all the health changes and swaps, God is still in control and His timing is perfect.

Last thing before I dive in…if pregnancy is not as glamorous as you had hoped, if pregnancy is not comfortable or enjoyable for you, if pregnancy is just plain hard, or if pregnancy for you is so great you don’t want it to end- please know that my prayers are with you. God will carry you through and you will receive the greatest joy of your life at the finish line. As you’ll learn in this blog post I struggled hard physically during pregnancy, but I would do it all over again for my Easton James. God is stronger than the struggle. My prayers are with you!

These pregnancy blog posts were hard for me to organize, so hopefully the headings will help you navigate. I just felt like there was too much to share that may help someone so I had a hard time condensing. I’m praying these words are a blessing to whoever needs them!

Now I’ll jump right in to finding out about our sweet babe and all that the first trimester of my pregnancy encompassed!

Finding Out

Finding out I was pregnant just felt serendipitous to me. Throughout my entire pregnancy I would still think- wait is this real? The joy never stopped since that moment, even after you read all the experiences of my pregnancy, especially the first half.

On a Monday I was one day late, but I had been sick the week before and we had a really busy weekend and so at first I didn’t think too much into it. But decided on my lunch break I would go grab some tests just in case I didn’t start for a few more days then I would take the tests. The closer it got to my lunch break though, the stronger my feelings got that this could be it. Eeek!

By the time I was driving home from work that evening I knew I couldn’t wait a few more days to see if I was still late because my feelings were so strong- I knew I wouldn’t be able to shake them and just be patient. This was way too big!

Wyatt was gone at practice, so it was just me and Rory pup at home. I read all the test directions, said a big prayer, took the test and capped it, then went into the bedroom and snuggled Rory and turned on and sang ‘House of the Lord’. The same song I was singing when I felt God tell me He was going to give me a baby. (See Pre-Pregnancy: Feeling God-Ready and Healthyfor that story) I had a timer running so I knew when the test would be ready and just had my song on repeat.

The timer went off, I took a deep breath, said another big prayer, and Rory and I walked into the bathroom.

I had taken two tests at once- a digital one and one with the lines. They were sitting there on the bathroom counter and as soon as I spotted the word ‘pregnant’ I dropped to my knees in happy tears and praise, ‘House of the Lord’ still playing in the background.

Rory was so confused, and concerned but just sat on my lap and gave me kisses as I told him he was going to be a big brother. Little did he know, that night would kick off a lot of nights he would be snuggling me and taking care of me. Many again on the bathroom floor.

Everything felt so surreal in that moment of finding out I can’t even describe it. My thoughts then quickly jumped to- How am I going to surprise Wyatt and tell him?

I’ve always had this vision in my head of surprising him with this news. In my mind I’ve always felt like he got to surprise me with our engagement so this is what I could surprise him with! 

My vision to tell him was always to get him a pair of Nike Air Monarchs- the classic Dad shoe- because I knew as soon as he opened them he would know what I was trying to tell him. But by the time I got home from work and took the test, our local Nike was about to close. Luckily Wyatt had a team dinner after practice so I had extra time to concoct a plan. I knew I couldn’t wait until the next day to get the shoes and tell him. I was way too excited!

I got on Pinterest and the first thing that popped up were letter boards. We had one in our kitchen at the time and I knew I could easily prop the phone up to take a video of his reaction too!

Here’s what it all looked like

Once I got it all ready I was on the edge of my seat waiting for him to come home. I captured his reaction on video and I’m so glad I have it because that is such a core memory that I love to look back on.

Here are some stills from the video of Wyatt’s reaction…he said “no way” about 10 times, haha!

This was our ‘finding out about our babe’ story and while the vision I had always had for telling Wy didn’t happen, our story is still our perfect story. This was the start of a new chapter for us which continued to be like that- not necessarily what we had pictured or envisioned but absolutely perfect in every way. That’s parenthood for ya! Shoot, that’s just life for ya!

So now that you’ve heard our story that started this new chapter, I want to share more details about my pregnancy. I broke it down into three separate blog posts of each trimester so it wouldn’t be too overwhelming.  Hopefully the headings of these posts will help navigate if there’s any particular topic you want to read about.

Ahh the first trimester! This was a roller coaster in every way possible for me, but I don’t say that to scare you! It was also the answer to an immense amount of prayers. Your experience will absolutely be different from mine because every woman and every baby and every pregnancy is different! I know any future pregnancies will be different for me, as well. I just want to share my experiences in hopes of supporting and encouraging you along the way.

Here we go…

Keep a Preparation Mindset

This is honestly one of my biggest pieces of advice for your pregnancy journey— It was immensely helpful for me to think this way. My pregnancy was in a way nothing like I ever imagined, but beautiful and exactly what I needed it to be. God’s plans are so perfect like that!

Every up and down of pregnancy was preparing me for motherhood- God was preparing me for motherhood. While the sickness and living in constant nausea was difficult, I had also never come out of something feeling so darn strong. I’m stronger now than I ever was before and I am so proud of what my body went through and the ways it fought for my baby and myself.

People loving me up prepared me. People treating me like garbage prepared me. Losing all sense of strength and having to rebuild prepared me. Watching my body change literally overnight, prepared me. Growing closer to God and feeling my faith strengthen prepared me. Changing and maturing as an individual prepared me. 

I kept this preparation mindset throughout pregnancy, and I urge you to do the same in this season of life. I pray I can carry this mindset into all future seasons of my life too!

My Morning Sickness

I don’t want to share any portion of this to scare anyone or sound like I’m complaining, but I do want to share because it can be an incredibly lonely place to be. Honestly though, I would do it a million times over and over again for my Easton James.

If you have severe nausea and vomiting- girlfriend, I am here for you and cheering you on. You are not alone. Nausea started for me at week 5/6 and vomiting soon followed. I threw up 1-2 times a day all the way into my second trimester. I think it was week 22 when it finally stopped. While most days were rough I did have some good days here and there. 

Every woman is different and every baby is different. But the incredible part of how God designed us as women is that when there is a little life growing inside of us our bodies will take anything and everything the baby needs to support their growth and development, even if it depletes you. And that’s exactly what was happening to me. My body took everything my baby needed which didn’t leave me with a whole lot to spare. I was weak, exhausted, nauseous, and emotional. I cried more tears in my first trimester than I think I had cried in my entire life.

I would cry to Wyatt so scared that I wasn’t doing enough for our baby because I could barely eat. I would sit and force feed myself food that didn’t sound good to me and cry the entire time because it tasted awful, smelled awful, and I just knew it was going to come back up. But doing so I knew would be the best possible option for our baby than to not eat at all. To talk about this now feels so dramatic, but that was my reality for so many weeks.

‘Morning sickness’ for me was more like afternoon, evening, and night sickness. Mornings were my favorite parts of the day because I generally woke up feeling like I could actually function and do life that day. And as the day went on I would gradually go downhill until it felt like I could no longer function. My work schedule had to be adjusted to be able to get home earlier so I could rest. I would wake up from that rest to what Wyatt made me for dinner, force feed myself, and be in the fetal position to go to sleep by 7pm. Easily the hardest season of life I had experienced up to that point, but like I said before there was so much joy in the midst of it all.

The joy is what kept me going when everything just felt so hard. It was lonely to feel like straight up garbage. Luckily for me, while unlucky for them at the time, all the women in my family dealt with bad morning sickness so they totally got it and were very supportive. 

I didn’t have much to give to my relationships but mostly everyone still loved me through it. Mostly. There were some that showed zero grace, told me it was ‘mind over matter’, chose not to speak to me when I needed to rest because that’s what my body was telling me to do, and didn’t appreciate that I couldn’t give my typical 100%. That was hard, but I learned who was going to love me through it and who wasn’t. 

I was also reminded several times to still be joyful and be happy I was getting sick. And in my mind I was like ‘well duh, of course I am happy and joyful and excited? Why do you feel like you need to remind me of that?’ Morning sickness does not happen because you aren’t excited! I’ve never found a better reason to be sick! People acting like my nausea was a result of not being excited was ludicrous to me, but it happened and was very frustrating.

Work was incredibly difficult for me, but my boss was so supportive of whatever I needed- like I said we had to adjust my work schedule and even my responsibilities because I couldn’t take x-rays anymore. Since I would get sicker the longer the day went on I ended up having to adjust my schedule to leave two hours early each day.

Now one thing I didn’t love when dealing with this overbearing nausea were everyone’s suggestions of what helped them feel better. I didn’t love suggestions because honestly I had tried every trick in the book and most of them made me feel even more sick. It got so discouraging. But I’m going to just share a few things here that if you’re in this season, take it or leave it but maybe you’ll find something helpful.

Some other tips to help you through this season of sickness:

-Always have a ‘puke plan’- know where you can if you need to, because it may hit out of nowhere. I found it helpful to always have a bag in my purse and in the glovebox of my car. If you have ever gotten sick while driving it is very scary, but also you really don’t want to get sick all over yourself and your car. So having a bag saves some of that stress. Also if you aren’t driving but need to get sick its not always possible to pull over somewhere safely so if you have a bag then you are set.

-Stay stocked on snacks. I literally carried a jar of peanut butter and a spoon in my purse at all times, along with a mix of other snacks, but that was at least a protein source with me at all times that I could generally handle.

-Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste with you wherever you go. It’s a good thing I have big purses because mine was hefty in this season! LOL. But seriously getting sick when you aren’t at home is bad enough, but made worse if you can’t at least brush your teeth. So just always have them on hand in case!

Give in to the Rest

I have never been a person that is good at rest. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good nap, but I’m one of those people that will always just go, go, go until I physically or mentally can’t anymore. Pregnancy changed that completely. 

I was pretty much a shell of a person and needed rest in a way that I had never experienced before.

You absolutely have to give in to your body and rest. You’re growing a whole human now! It was really hard at first for me to adjust to this new way of life. But once I gave in to the rest it lifted the pressure I had always lived with to be productive all the time. All the sickness I dealt with was horrible but giving in to the rest my body needed was pretty much the only thing that helped. 

The power of adrenaline is also a beautiful thing when you don’t feel good. I would just power through some things and then fall apart later. I would pay for it dearly when I would just let my adrenaline and determination take over, because eventually my body would stop me and I would have to rest even more.

I will also say transitioning from a go, go, go person to a going to bed at 7pm person was made much easier with Wyatt’s support. He knows the amount of pressure I always place on myself to do, so having him love me and support me in this new way was incredible. 

Which leads me to my next point…

You Will Need Your Man Like Never Before

At least I did anyway. Because I was so sick, Wyatt had to take over the house- cleaning, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, literally everything. And when I say cooking and grocery shopping…there were weeks where this sweet man went to the store every single day for me and would have to make me multiple dinners all just to find something I could tolerate.

Because I was constantly in bed, we got to spend like no time together, and most of the time when we were together I was either going downhill or he was having to comfort me through the tears. But it’s like the Maren Morris song says- “the house don’t fall when the bones are good”. Our marriage was never shaken by this sudden change and shift. Our marriage only grew stronger even though we saw each other less, talked less, and I was a literal basketcase of tears. The foundation of our marriage was strong and I’m forever grateful for that.

Wyatt knows I could not have made it through without his constant love and support, but I will never be able to thank him enough.

Fed is Best 

Now normally this is a phrase used when discussing breastfed vs formula fed babies. For me, this was a phrase I had to cling to during my first trimester.

Again going back to the nausea and vomiting I dealt with there was very little that sounded good to me. And even thinking about food seemed to trigger my gag reflex. Some of the things I ate during those first two weeks would be considered semi-questionable. I was not eating healthy at all and while I wish I could have done better for my babe, I knew that me getting something in my body was what was truly best. I was force feeding myself as best as I could and I figured the random stuff I was eating was better than nothing!

I still crack up when I think about this, but I pretty much lived on Starbucks sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for my lunches. For months. At the start of the week we would go and order 4-5 at a time and I would refrigerate them and heat them up at home or at work for my lunches. I was so desperate for a while to find food I could eat with decent amounts of protein and this was something that worked for me, so I stuck with it. I also kept a jar of peanut butter and a spoon in my purse at all times…purse peanut butter!! Crazy to think back on that time now!

Things started out rough, but by the time my nausea and vomiting dissipated around week 22 I was able to eat broader varieties of foods including healthier foods! I was craving and eating big salads for several weeks in the summer and that was awesome because for so long I had major aversions to it.

Aside from food, let’s talk beverages! I am a big water drinker and on my work days I would drink hot tea and off days I usually got a yummy coffee from Starbucks. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I cut everything out cold turkey…I’m honestly still proud of myself for this because now I am struggling to decrease my caffeine levels and I don’t know how I did this. I’m not saying this is something you need to do, obviously you make the decision that’s best for your babe and family, but I’m saying it is possible!  I also increased my water intake and treated myself to a fun new water bottle. This is the one I got and it was alright. It is nowhere near as good as my Stanley I got during third trimester or the Simple Modern Trek I have now. (Hot take- I prefer my Simple Modern Trek over my Stanley) Can you tell I’m very picky about my cups?LOL

I also had to switch my prenatals to a gummy version that would be gentler on my tummy. I switched to these prenatal gummies at about 8 weeks and ended up taking them throughout the rest of pregnancy.

2 Timothy 1:7

I saw this verse a few times early on in my pregnancy and it became my mindset for those 9 months. I would repeat that verse to myself all day every day as a reminder. 

In the first trimester, I had to remind myself that any fear that crept in about the fragile life inside of me was not from God. The worries and feelings of failure because I was so sick, were not from God. The feelings of anger towards people not loving me through this season were not from God. 

God gave me a sound mind against all the hormone roller coasters. God gave me love in the form of the life inside of me. God gave me love for those who may not reciprocate. God gave me power against the enemy when I allowed fear to creep in. God gave me everything I needed already. I simply had to trust that in this beautifully difficult season.

I truly felt like I grew closer to God during my pregnancy which was such an amazing feeling. One thing that helped me do so was this pregnancy devotional journal. This was the first thing I purchased after finding out we were expecting!

So Many Changes

In my mind, I wouldn’t feel or notice any changes for a while after finding out I was pregnant. In my mind nothing would change until I started to show. But the reality for me was that at week 5, one week after we found out, my body was already changing a lot! And my hormones were already at the start of their roller coaster ride.

My body began to physically change so quickly to prepare. God made our bodies so incredibly well- like a well oiled machine- to be able to sustain life and so many things change to be able to make that happen. Did you know that at 5-6 weeks I think it is, your body is already processing how to make breastmilk and things are shifting and changing to be able to do that? Like how cool! The 40 weeks of pregnancy all serve a purpose.

I would laugh every time I would experience the smallest slightest symptom of something new and would seek out why that was happening to make sure everything was okay, only to find it’s just a common symptom of pregnancy and hormone changes. Like literally the most random things! I just didn’t realize how quick it all happens.

During the first trimester my hair became so incredibly oily,  the opposite happened to my skin-  it was as dry as the desert! I had to find a new skincare routine and even make makeup swaps because my skin texture and moisture had changed so drastically. All the hormone changes caused these. I did not realize this could happen!

I lost a decent amount of weight initially because I couldn’t keep food down, (10 pounds in total I believe), but I think it was at 10 weeks that my belly basically hardened and got stiff to the point I couldn’t button my jeans. Luckily I found a jeans extender so that I could keep wearing my regular jeans a little longer. I wasn’t ready for maternity jeans but my body was preparing for this life inside of me to grow. So wild and so cool! This was also a great time for me to start using coconut oil on my belly.

Tell People in Your Own Time

That is a decision between you and your partner and what you are comfortable with. We told our parents and some of our siblings 2 days after we found out when I was just 4.5 weeks. We told others at 6 weeks when schedules shook out to see them in person. We told our grandparents and close friends from 8-10 weeks. After our 12 week appointment we told our family they could share with other extended family members if they wanted. And then told others as we saw them in person here and there. 

I think also in those early days of pregnancy you have such a burst of hormone changes and emotions, that leads to opinions on things that might seem a little strong to those that don’t have your intense hormones raging through their body. I was simply very set on wanting to wait to tell people and Wyatt was 100% on board with me!

It had nothing to do with not being excited or joyful, and we weren’t living scared either- we just leaned into our instincts of what felt right. We didn’t want to keep it from anyone either. While being pregnant is the most exciting thing, early on that little life inside of you is so fragile. And so taking our time to tell people is what we were most comfortable with.

I also think the biggest thing was waiting a while to share on social media. We wanted the people in our own close circle of family and friends to know and they loved and for the most part supported us until we were ready to share with the ‘world’. And we ended up not sharing until 17 weeks. That’s one of the first of many decisions you’ll have to make with your partner regarding your babe and we were on the same page to wait a little longer than the typical 12 weeks most suggest.

Why? First, we honestly really enjoyed just keeping it in our little bubble for as long as possible. Especially as sick as I was, it was nice to just have this big exciting thing for ourselves. Second, I have a thyroid disease that could potentially cause some issues with my body and baby clashing, and the baby’s thyroid function wasn’t fully functional on its own until about 11-12 weeks I learned. So it made us feel more comfortable to wait until my thyroid wouldn’t be an issue for our baby. Third, the last few years an immense amount has changed with people’s general health- I’m sure many of you can assume why. So, I simply felt safer not sharing with the world until at least 16 weeks when we had yet another appointment to check in on our babe. So that’s what we did. 

I share more about this in Second Trimester: Boy Mama Era Begins.

Your Dog Will Sense a Change in You

My first baby, my Rory boy, my puppers just knew something was up! He was my snuggle bug every night when I would go to bed at 7:00. We don’t let him sleep in the bed at night but nothing was going to stop those evening cuddles until Wyatt came to bed!

Whenever I would be in the bathroom getting sick he would follow me in and sit right up against me, give me a quick kiss on the arm and just sit and wait there until I was done and would follow me into bed. That boy has no idea how much I love him or how grateful I was for his presence.

It’s mind blowing to me how intuitive dogs are. He continued to be such a support for me throughout pregnancy and now he and Easton are the best of friends!

And if you want a good cry, get this book! It’s so cute and so sweet but it’s a tearjerker for sure.

Take the Bumpdate Pictures

One of my only regrets is that we didn’t take pictures before my belly ‘popped’.. I bought the dress I wanted to take pictures in each week and everything. I had it ready to roll, but I was just so sick I didn’t want my picture taken. I now wish I had just sucked it up and had Wyatt take the pictures each week earlier on. We didn’t start until week 16 when I was definitely showing. I’m grateful we started then, but wish we had started at like week 8! So just do it, take the pictures of your growing body/belly because it all starts to change quicker than you think. And I know that God-willing I get to do this again, it will be much trickier to take the bump pictures.

For sizing reference, I got a medium in the dress and that lasted my entire pregnancy and growing belly.


I mentioned in my previous blog post Pre-Pregnancy: Feeling God-Ready and Healthy I had been tracking periods and ovulation in the Flo app. When I got my positive test I updated the app that I was pregnant and because I had already been tracking things it gave me an estimated due date based on my cycle and also gave me tons of information right off the bat! I’m a total nerd that loves to learn and I dove head first into learning all the pregnancy and baby things I could!

So I was tracking my pregnancy there and it was helpful because I could track any symptoms I was experiencing, I could make notes of things, could track activity, mood, digestion- I just really enjoyed being able to log all of that because I like to see my health in the big picture. And every little thing affects another thing. Plus early on your brain starts to have ‘pregnancy brain’ or ‘mom brain’ and so it’s nice to have an organized way of remembering what happened on what day. Highly recommend the Flo app!

I also downloaded two other pregnancy tracking apps- what to expect and the bump. There were things I liked and disliked about both, but both had super good educational information about my baby and my body each week and that’s really why I utilized so many apps- to learn more. Again, I am a nerd!LOL

One thing I did not like and will share my own experience on, is the community/group within the app. I think it’s the what to expect app that you can join a community of other women that are pregnant and due the same month as you so you’re basically all able to chat and communicate about things happening within your pregnancy then delivery and newborn life and so on. Sounds awesome right? Well to be honest, it ended up not being good for me mentally.

I want to share because if I could go back I wouldn’t join the group or if I did I just wouldn’t read other’s posts. There was a lot of negative and fear based posting by members that then got my wheels turning about worries and ‘what ifs’. There was a lot of caddy, petty, rude negativity that I just don’t like to have in my headspace on a normal basis, let alone while emotional and pregnant. And also a lot of comparison. Luckily from this I learned my lesson early on about not comparing myself to other moms or my baby to other babies but in order to learn my lesson I had to first make the mistake of doing so.

I was due at the end of October which meant that in this ‘October 2022’ expectant moms group there were women due 4 weeks earlier than me. Those 4 weeks in pregnancy, in newborns, in infants- 4 weeks makes a huge difference in quite literally everything. So in this group women would be posting things they were experiencing 4 weeks ahead of me. And when I read these posts I would let worry and fear creep in about why I wasn’t experiencing something or oh no, what if I start to experience that too and just so many things. The mind can play tricks on you and raging hormones don’t help that. I would also get so frustrated at the women not willing to do their own research for their babies about common simple things that could even just be googled but would make a stink about it in the group. I do not appreciate ‘lack of common sense posting’ haha!

So all of that to say, those groups are helpful if you ever have a question you want to ask other moms in the same chapter as you. And helpful too to scroll or search through every now and then to see if there’s anything relevant worth reading or learning more on, but I don’t recommend reading the posts regularly and allowing stress or fear to creep in as a result. Learn from my mistakes!

I had similar occurrences happen in a first time moms group and breastfeeding group which I swiftly left for these same reasons I said above why I didn’t like the community in the app. They can be beneficial, however they can also be very annoying, concerning, frustrating, and stressful at times too.

Pregnancy Pillows

First trimester I wasn’t bumping enough that I needed a pregnancy pillow, but I did like using this wedge pillow when I laid on my side. There was just something about it that made me feel better even though I didn’t really have a belly yet. I can’t remember when I upgraded from the wedge pillow to the frida pillow but it was a game changer.

OB Appointments

So this is something that I wanted to just share an overview of because I didn’t really know how it worked until the appointments actually started happening.

So basically with the OB/GYN I was originally using, I called and scheduled an appointment the day after I got my positive test at home. I would’ve been 4.5 weeks at that point. They didn’t schedule me in until I was 6 weeks and that appointment was simply to confirm the pregnancy in their office. 

Truthfully,  I took a test at home like every other day leading up to this appointment because it was all just so surreal and exciting! And like a ‘pinch me I’m dreaming’ sort of feeling. After they confirmed at that appointment that I was pregnant, they scheduled me for a sonogram 2 weeks later at 8 weeks.

I knew this appointment was huge and I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t sleep well the night before and Wyatt and I didn’t talk much the whole drive to the appointment because we were nervous. We just turned on our favorite worship music and sang.

We had our ultrasound and got to see our babe for the first time- that little life growing inside of me- it was truly a life changing moment. It was a ‘dating scan’ I think they called it to confirm the estimated due date and make sure our babe was measuring on schedule with the date of my last period.

—So here’s a crazy detail that Wyatt and I realized. Based on my cycle my due date was calculated as October 30th. At that dating scan the sonographer said our babe was measuring for a due date of October 27th. Our OB decided we would stick with my cycle due date (October 30) because first time mamas tend to deliver after their due date. Easton was actually born October 27th! —- 

They then scheduled the next appointment at 12 weeks. 

The weeks between these appointments seemed to just drag on and on. I know I have never been a very patient person, but waiting four weeks to check on the sweet little babe in your belly really revealed my lack of patience!LOL It didn’t get easier to wait between appointments until I started feeling flutters and kicks in the second trimester.

And on that note, this all pretty much summarizes my first trimester of pregnancy! A whole lot of answered prayers mixed with a whole lot of nausea! I hope that this helps, encourages, gives you a laugh, and makes you feel a little less alone in your own first trimester experience.

Lord thank you for being the giver of life and knitting each of us together so wonderfully. Thank You for the way You designed us as women to carry these sweet babies-I am constantly in awe of Your creation.

Lord I pray for the mama carrying the gift of life in her belly or the one praying for Your timing for this season. I pray that you will carry her through the days that are hard physically, mentally, and emotionally and I pray she can see it is You that is carrying her. I hope she comes to know You well in this season and can see Your blessings all around her. Please keep Your healing and protective hand over these fragile little lives in the first trimester and any sickness or nausea that may arise for these mamas. I pray these mamas know they are never alone and are capable of so many wonderful things.

Lord, please forgive us for any expectations or assumptions we have in our minds for this season of life and help us to surrender that all to you– for your plans are always greater. Thank You Jesus for the gift of life. Amen.

All the love,

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