My Big Sister: My First Best Friend

Sweet sister of mine- you were my first and truest Best Friend and still are to this day.

The years of fighting over Barbies and clothes have led to this beautiful friendship we have, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Even through all the trolling you do to me, I still want to be just like you. Since I was little I always wanted to be just like my big sister. We were always so different, but at the core so much the same.

You are one of the strongest people I have ever known. I have always admired your strength to keep going when things got tough, to sass back to any and everything, to think on your feet so quickly, and to just simply shop til you drop. All things require a strength that I have always aspired to.

You have always been an incredible support system too. Whether it was supporting me touching a bug zapper or starting a business- sweet and influential sister, you were there for it all.

You gave me the greatest gift in life by making me an Aunt to your 3 perfect babies and they have made life so fun. Thank you for letting me love them so hard, and spoil them rotten. I pray one day I am lucky enough to make you an Aunt so you can experience the same joy.

An Aunt’s Letter to Her Babes

Thank you for never holding back with me when it comes to sassing me and loving me. You are probably the only person that gets a free pass to sass me as hard as you do, and the person who hates sharing feelings the most, but never hesitates to make sure I know I’m loved and that I matter to you.

There have been so many times when you had to set me straight and put me in my place. Sometimes you used the snow shovel and that was a bit much, but you have always had the ability to bring me back to reality when I’m spiraling and help me to step back from a situation and see the bigger picture.

Thank you for letting me boss you around when you need it too. Sometimes you’ve just gotta let me take over and tell you what to do. Like, hey I’m bringing the coffee, I’m gonna help you fold your laundry, and you’re going to deal with it. 

You are just one of the coolest people I know. We may disagree on some things, but I always respect your ability to stick to what you believe, no matter how stubborn I might think you are. 😉

You taught me how to dance which is one of my favorite things to do. I mean you fell through a coffee table trying to teach me when I was way too young to remember, but I appreciate your dedication. Which led to our kitchen dance parties and you becoming my dance team coach. “Alexa, play booty work”.

You and Mama are my OG girl gang and there’s no one I love to shop with more. Y’all just have a way of convincing me that I need yet another candle, and maybe whatever is on sale too.

You are one of the only people I know who thinks they are anti-social, but could walk into a room and be friends with everyone 5 minutes later. There is just a light about you, even when you don’t see it in yourself.

Thank you for being the Enneagram 9 to my Enneagram 2…no wonder we haven’t had a fight since we were like babies.

Thank you for the endless hours we spent playing Barbies as kids. And the hours we spent as teenagers doing our hair, makeup, and picking out clothes. AKA me plotting which clothes of yours to take!

Thank you for paving the way and setting a standard for me to strive for. You always got the best grades, so I wanted them too. You never got into trouble, so I felt like I should be cautious. As my big sister, I simply wanted to walk the road that you did, because you were so darn good at it.

Thank you for standing right next to me as I married the love of my life. You held my dress for me, you held my bouquet, and you gave me the pep talk and the Pepsi that got me down the aisle when I thought I was going to pass out. Oh, and you gave an awesome speech too!

I think I will probably always care a little too much about what you think of me, but I think that’s just the natural trait of a little sister. I will always aspire to be cool enough to just be around ya.

Thank you for being the coolest big sister.

Thank you for always trying to protect me when I was little and still do to this day.

Thank you for reading this blog post… I know you hate to sit still and read something!

Thank you for being my first and truest best friend.

Just like with Mom and Dad- I wouldn’t be who I am without you either. Thank You for making me who I am.

To My Parents- Thank You

Thank you for always being here for me, arms wide open.

Thank you for loving me fully and wholeheartedly for exactly who I am.

All the love,

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