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My Love Letter to You

My sweet hunny,

In all the times I have told you I love you, tried to explain it, convey it, show it, yell it from the rooftops, nothing could begin to describe what’s in my heart for you. But I hope that somehow I can describe it all just a bit for you, because simply put, you are the love of my life and I pray you always know what you mean to me.

Your smile lights up every room you walk in and there are times where I catch myself thinking if this could all really be real. How could I be so blessed to be with someone like you?

My love, there is simply no one like you.

No one goofier.

No one kinder.

No one more supportive.

No one more protective.

No one that works harder.

No one that plans better surprises.

No one that makes me feel more beautiful.

No one with a sassier morning side.

No one that gives better pep talks.

No one that can dream as big if not bigger than me, with me.

No one more passionate.

And no one that can love me the way you do.

For years I prayed that I would find a man to love me, stick around, and remain faithful. I never imagined God would answer that prayer in such an unimaginable way with you- a man that not only loves me fully and completely, but pushes me to love myself better and love others stronger, stick around even when I pushed him away, and is the most faithful and loyal person I have ever met. Your killer dance moves and love for Mexican food were just added bonuses at that point.

I prayed to God about you, My Love, years before I even knew you. And even in the years I did know you I would pray for that man I would one day find- I am certain God had a pretty good laugh when you were right there in front of me the whole time.

You were right there with me all those Nike shifts when I was grateful to just have someone else that also took pride in working hard, all those work group hangouts when you were being set up with other girls, all those times when you would make small talk with me and I thought you were just the nicest guy- even then I didn’t realize that i was talking to the love of my life. 

You came into my world and showed me what I had always dreamed of and prayed for, and so much more.

And then I realized why I had gone through what i did in the past- to be ready for you- the Man of my Dreams. We talk all the time about how if we had gotten together sooner we would not have truly been ready for this, been ready to appreciate who each of us was and ready to be all in and let our hearts fall in deep. God’s perfect timing brought us together. Because of that I will never doubt that sweet, perfect timing.

From our first date I knew you had my heart and I never wanted it back. Isn’t it crazy how one date put this beautiful life we have built into motion? Had to have been the Mexican food we had that night.

My love, I can’t remember life before you and I can’t imagine life without you. I feel so blessed God chose me to love you for these years we have been together. I pray we get to have so many more.

I dream of the life together we talk about all the time- with babies, blessings, so much love, and so much laughter. I know that even if those dreams we have for our future don’t happen- you are enough for me.

You are already my dream come true, My Love.

Thank you for being a good man.

Thank you for being the best husband.

Thank you for being patient with me when I’m spiraling.

Thank you for accepting me in my topknot, oversized jams and midnight snack in hand.

Thank you for making your presence known when you’re in the same room as me with a swift slap on the booty.

Thank you for cheering me on through every victory, and carrying me through every loss that life throws our way.

Thank you for always pushing me to be better, grow stronger in my faith, and talk to God about it all.

Thank you for holding my hand in prayer, in the car, and through this life.

Thank you for (almost) always knowing the right things to say to make it all better.

Thank you for always fiercely protecting me…from bad weather, scary noises, and my own self doubt.

Thank you for constantly reminding me of your love.

Thank you for loving my family and friends like your own.

Thank you for dreaming big with me.

And most importantly,

Thank you for always being here for me, arms wide open.

Thank you for loving me fully and wholeheartedly for exactly who I am.

I love you forever- to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond.

All the Love,

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