The Motivation You Need for your New Week

Happy Sunday, friends! I love Sundays. Fresh starts, new chapters, starting the day with worship, and a day of resting, relaxation, and rejuvenation. What could be better?

At this point in your sunday though, I am sure the feeling of the new week starting may soon start to loom over you…it definitely does with me almost every sunday! I love being home and having freedom over my time and my schedule so when it’s back to work on Monday it can be tough! Mondays are by far my least favorite day of the week- can anyone else relate?

To try and help you combat the Sunday blues and enjoy the rest of your weekend, I thought I would throw some reminders your way for the new week to get it started on the right track!

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Here’s some motivation and reminders for your fresh new week…

Remember to embrace it!

The first day may be hard, but be grateful you woke up, be grateful for your job, be grateful for the opportunity to start a new week as a fresh start. Thank God for all of these things. Never take a day for granted, even Mondays.

Know that you can do anything you set your mind to!

What’s that thing on your to-do list that you keep putting off? Or that thing you know you need to, do but have been dreading? Or maybe it’s even starting something new or chasing a dream- know that you can do it. Do it this week! I believe in you!

Say I Love You Gifts

It will be what you make it- make it great!

Remember that you have power over your thoughts and emotions and whether you choose to be blessed and think on the positive side of things, or if you choose to dwell in the negative and let the enemy bring you down. Make it great, make it positive! Our minds can trick us into thinking just about anything- might as well make it great!

Keep this quote in mind.

“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” -Alice Morse Earle. Even if you dread your job or some other part of your day, try to focus on the good and exciting parts of your day or week. Make a list tonight of everything you are looking forward to this week! No matter how big or small it may seem. And when you are having a down moment or feeling the blues, remember that list and all the good parts to your week! It helps, I promise. When you are more aware of the blessings in your life, they just continue to increase.

Faithbox - Embrace Your Faith Today!

Don’t forget to show up for yourself.

Does this resonate with you? Sometimes it can feel like we are just going through the motions. Like maybe at work or home we hit that auto-pilot button a little too much just to get things done. This week try to be more present and show up better for yourself and everyone around you. So maybe you’re a zombie before coffee- that’s okay- just make sure you show up after that first cup of coffee (or two!). Whatever it takes, make sure you are showing up for every single day of your life. Need a reminder of #1?

Take heart in the fact that you can help someone else have an incredible day or week too.

How awesome is that? One more reason to set yourself up for a successful week when you remember that you can have that impact on someone else’s. Every day I pray to be a light and a blessing to others and it truly helps me to show up better in my day-to-day life at work, at home, online, etc. Take the impact you can have on others seriously, and it will only increase your own ability to stay happy and positive. 

Recall how you felt at the end of your week last week and remember what made you feel that way.

Whether it was good or bad and decide how you can make that change going into a new week. If you had a terrible week, how can you eliminate some of the negative factors in your world? If you had an incredible week, what will make this one just the same if not better? Reflection is optional, but required for growth and change.

Let it go.

You know what I’m talking about- just let it go. Everyone has something they need to let go, so this is your personal reminder as we head into a new week to just leave it in last week. Your insecurities, your fears, your doubts, your anxiety, your anger, your frustration, your heartache, whatever it is leave it at the door of last week and step into a new week fresh.Give it to God and move on, sister.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

While I am hoping and praying for this week to be absolutely incredible for you, if it is not, know that there is still hope. Hope for a better day tomorrow, or a better week next week, or a better month next month. Never lose sight of that hope even if you step outside of what you had originally ‘hoped’ for. God will always have you and has an incredible plan for you even if it includes a bad day, week, or season of life sometimes.

I think in our society there is so much pressure on people, particularly those in my age range (20s-30s), to be busy all the time, to know what the heck we are doing, to have it all figured out, and have this perfect highlight reel life for social media, but that is just not the case. If your day sucks or your week sucks, that is okay and totally normal. Just remember these 9 reminders above to help motivate you to turn it around in your own way. 

I will be praying for you to have an incredible week! I hope that these reminders will help you in some way to start your new week off strong and really embrace all in this life that God has for us!

All the love,