To My Parents- Thank You

Oh Mom and Dad- where could I even start?

You gave me life, you raised me to be kind and hard working, and made sure I was strong in my faith- what more could I ask for in this life?

I can never thank you enough for all of those things and so much more…

But I sure am going to give it a try.

Thank you for simply being awesome, goofy, kind, and fun people that I love to be around.

Thank you for teaching me about God, making sure I had a relationship with Him, raising me in the church, pushing me to have an unshakeable faith, and never failing to be examples of what God-fearing, Jesus-loving people look like. These are the best things you have ever given me.

Thank you for my big sister. Next to being awesome, and teaching me about God- she is the best gift you gave me…or maybe since I’m younger I was the best gift y’all gave her…B, what do you think? 😉

Thank you for teaching me the value in loving your family hard.

Thank you for keeping me grounded.

Thank you for teaching me the value in hard work and never giving up, even when it gets hard.

Thank you for ALWAYS being the constants in my life. Through finding my love, my girl tribe, my purpose, my faith, my passions, my hobbies- you were there for it all. You both were the constants I couldn’t have done anything without.

Thank you for loving me through my teenage years. I know that couldn’t have been easy!

Thank you for teaching me that this world doesn’t just owe me anything…a lesson I think some people forgot to teach their kids…

Thank you for supporting my big heart. I’m sure it was hard to watch me go through heartache after heartache with friends and boys- but you never let me grow cold to the world around me.

Thank you for every pep talk, every prayer, and every ease to my anxiety. Thank you for the texts back in the middle of the night that I need to be able to sleep.

Thank you for being hard on me when I needed it, and going easy on me when I needed a break. Thank you for helping me figure out the difference between the two, as well. 

Thank you for being at every game and meet always cheering me on, and working hard so that I could do all those things that I wanted to, and making sure I never went without.

Thank you for my years of braces. They sucked, but now my smile is what gives me confidence.

Thank you for pushing me to chase my dreams. Without you two, this blog wouldn’t be here, BBB wouldn’t exist, that college degree wouldn’t be collecting dust and who knows where I would be if you two hadn’t supported me in everything I’ve ever done.

Thank you for raising me on the absolute BEST music. Your love for 80s pop and rock and 90s pop and country will always hold a special place in my heart. The memories of riding in your car listening to Shania, Dixie Chicks, Cyndi Lauper, Will Smith, etc, and in your pickup truck rocking out to Diamond Rio, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Alan Jackson, etc are some of my favorite childhood memories. Thank you for my love of music.

Thank you for not allowing me to settle for any boy that didn’t see my worth, and being patient with me as I struggled to figure that out on my own.

Thank you for loving the love of my life as your own, and being the best Mimi and Pap to your fur grandbaby too.

Thank you for showing me what a strong, loving marriage looks like.

Thank you for being a Mama I want to be like, and a Dad I want my hubby to be like.

Thank you for helping to make my wedding day the best day of my life. From baking and decorating all the cupcakes from scratch, walking me down the aisle, easing my stresses, busting out some dance moves, and going above and beyond to make everything perfect for us. 

Thank you for helping us move into our first home, get settled, and for being on-call for basically every problem that comes up that we can’t figure out on our own.

Thank you for never ceasing to be my parents, but allowing the friendship to flourish too. I love that you two are some of my closest friends. 

Thank you for the memories that come back to me and warm my heart. You have made my life so special. I hope you know how amazing you are. I pray you never forget how much I love you.

Thank you for the beautiful life you gave me growing up, and the adult life you prepared me for.

Thank you for being my heroes.

Thank you for making me who I am.

Thank you for always being here for me, arms wide open.

Thank you for loving me fully and wholeheartedly for exactly who I am.

I truly can never thank you enough.

I will never stop trying to make you proud!

I love you both, to the moon and back!

All the love,

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